Ryan Heath, Esq.

The Gravel Project

Panels: Education Mandates; Civil Rights

Ryan Heath is the President and CEO of The Gavel Project, an Anti-Woke non-profit (501(c)(3)) legal organization that exists to protect the freedoms of Americans, especially parents and children.  Ryan is a constitutional expert and talented legal strategist. He is a Civil Rights Activist and an Arizona Attorney, but more importantly, he is a husband and father of two young girls. Since the Gavel Project’s inception in October of 2021, Ryan has tirelessly fought corrupt institutions, and the individuals running them, with strategic civil and legal activism. When schools across the country implemented arbitrary covid mandates, Ryan led children and their parents in Rosa Parks style civil disobedience, and it worked. Those who protested were permitted to return to class without having to wear masks. Though protests were rewarding, the goal was always litigation. The Gavel Project is currently funding multiple lawsuits challenging Covid-19 mandates and CRT in schools. Due to high demand, Ryan started his own firm, Heath Law, PLLC, in November of 2022. As a private practitioner, Ryan has been blessed to work on a handful of high-profile cases that include challenging the integrity of the November 2022 Arizona election results. Heath Law also focuses on medical malpractice relating to Covid-19 and other constitutional and civil rights issues.

Learn more about Ryan Heath